The #RonPaul Supporters #Creed – Messege 2 #GOP

Hello Message to Republican party

Here is your deal:

Pay attention Republican Party and Voters.
I am a Ron Paul supporter. This election season, no candidate will
get my vote for the Office of President of the United States of America
except for Ron Paul.There will be no exceptions. If he does not win the
nomination, I will write his name on the ballot.

No amount of slick talking, flip-flopping, wooing, cajoling,
threatening, or condescending will persuade me to vote for any other
contender for that office.

You don’t want to admit it, but you know that the Republican Party
cannot beat Obama without me, a Ron Paul supporter. It’s long past time
you admit it.

You and I have conflicting goals. I will only cast a vote for
liberty, for peace, for small government, for fiscal sanity and respect
for the Constitution of the United States and adherence to the oath of
office of the Presidency.

You however are content merely to vote for
whatever Republican the GOP leadership and the media approve of.

I will not move. I cannot be persuaded. You cannot win without me.
I am not here to convince you that Ron Paul’s positions are superior.
I am not here to convince you that his foreign policy is in line with
traditional conservatism. I am not here to convince you that his
understanding of economics put everyone else in Washington to shame. I
am not even here to convince you that the positions of the other
candidates are not materially different than Obama.

No, I don’t need to do any of that. I only need to tell you that
without me, you have lost. If you do not vote for Ron Paul in your
Primary or Caucus, you are already defeated. If you fail to nominate Ron
Paul to be the Republican candidate for President, Barack Hussein Obama
will serve a second term.

This is not blackmail.This is not a threat. This is a simple statement of fact.
I stand firm and I will not accept anything less.Ron Paul 2012

~If you agree with this post this on other sites and encourage others
to help make it go viral so the message is clear to the GOP.

Thomas Massie for U.S. House needs your support.

**via RPF Admin Mail

Now that Congressman Geoff Davis is retiring, Thomas has decided to run for the open U.S. House seat. Ron Paul has enthusiastically endorsed his campaign, saying “Thomas has the right principles, message, and team to win this race.”

Thomas is currently in a competitive three-way primary battle with two establishment opponents. The primary is NEXT MONTH, May 22nd, and Thomas has a real chance of winning.

But he needs your help.

The establishment is panicked about Thomas’ candidacy because early polls show him with a slight lead. The district’s retiring congressman has endorsed one of his establishment opponents, a former DHS director, in the hope that it will stop Thomas short. In order to combat this, he needs one final fundraising boost to carry his campaign to victory.

I encourage you to watch this video to learn more about Thomas:

And please, make your most generous contribution at

Together, we can continue Ron Paul’s fight.

Ron Paul has enthusiastically endorsed Thomas Massie, saying there is “no question that he will stand up for liberty in congress.” Thomas is a member of Ron Paul Forums with a real chance of being elected to the U.S. House. Please offer your most generous donation.

Thank You.

Here are 2008 #Primary results for #RonPaul in states voting tomorrow. GO #PA

Here are the 2008 GOP Primary Results for Ron Paul in the five States voting Tuesday.Pennsylvania -128,483 – 15.9%Rhode Island – 1,777 – 6.6%New York -40,113 – 6.2%Delaware – 2,131 – 4.2%Connecticut -6,287 – 4.1%Hopefully, Ron will at least triple or even quadruple these figures on Tuesday!!!